This new award was created in 2020 to recognize a section or chapter that has experienced the greatest momentum (or most improvement) in the past year. The submission can address (but is not limited to) activity in any of the following areas: Meetings, Student/Younger Member Support, Application of Technical Knowledge, Networking Events, K-12 STEM Outreach, New Member Recruitment, Diversity and Inclusion, Training/Professional Development, Field Trips/Technical Tours, Service Projects, Funding Support, LeadershipITE involvement, Advocacy. The best Western District section report, as determined by the Technical Committee, is forwarded as the Western District representative for a similar award from International ITE.

Submission and Scoring Criteria (updated every year)

This award will become a Section-only award beginning in 2021.

Year Section
2023 Riverside-San Bernardino Section
2022 Southern California Section
2021 Hawaii Section
2020 Washington Section