Established in 2020, the Student Chapter Momentum Award recognizes a student chapter that has experienced the greatest momentum (or most improvement) in the past year. Submissions can address (but is not limited to) activity in any of the following areas: Chapter Administration, Application of Technical Knowledge, Networking Events, K-12 STEM Outreach, New Member Recruitment, Diversity and Inclusion, Training/Professional Development, Field Trips/Technical Tours, Service Projects, and Leadership Development.

The winning student chapter receives a plaque and $1,000 for travel to the Western District Annual Meeting. The District will submit the winning report for consideration in the ITE International competition.

Student Chapter
2024 University of Washington
2023 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
2022 Portland State University
2021 UCLA*
2020 Gonzaga University
* Also ITE International Award Winner