250 Words
- One (1) Job Posting (250 words max for 2 months)
500 Words
- One (1) Job Posting (500 words max for 2 months)
- Renew/Extend Existing Job Posting (for 2 Months)
Job postings cannot occur until payment is received. Web postings typically take one to three business days to post. See notes at bottom of page for format requirements.
Contact the Advertising Manager if you have any questions:
Ryan Zellers, Western ITE Advertising Manager
(1) Website sponsorships are displayed here for a one-year term. A link to your company website within your listing, and display of your company logo, is included. You must provide your logo in .jpg format and a web address to the WesternITE Advertising Manager. Text to accompany the post should be approximately 25-40 words in length.
(2) Jobs Available advertisements are posted to the WesternITE website’s “Jobs” page. Ads will be displayed for 60 days on WesternITE jobs page. Ads must be transmitted via website downloading prompts or e-mail only, within the email text or in Word format. If you would like your logo posted, please include it in .jpg format. Logos will be resized to fit pre-sized pages.
(3) ENews and printed newsletter sponsorship ads must be 5″x8″ in .jpg or .pdf format, supplied by you.