This Manual provides guidance as required under Section 6.10 of the District’s Bylaws as adopted in 2019.
1. Committee Chair Duties
The roles and responsibilities of each of the Western District committee chair positions are included on the Committee Chair Duties page.
2. Communications Oversight Committee
The Western District website committee consists of the Webmaster, the WesternITE Managing Editor, the Public Relations Committee Chair, an International Director, and the President. The President will chair the Website Committee.
3. District Administrator Selection
The Western District President shall nominate (whether by committee selection process for a recommendation or by direct selection) and the Western District Board of Directors shall approve the appointment of a District Administrator for a minimum initial term of five (5) years, with unlimited two-year renewals, to ensure continuity in the operation of the Western District.
4. Elections
Western District elections shall be governed by the policies outlined in the “Election Policies for Officer and International Director Candidates.” In addition, guidance for Western District candidates is provided in the “Candidate’s Guide for Elections.” Both policies are available on the Candidate/Election Items page.
5. Endowment Fund Committee
The Student Endowment Fund committee consists of four (4) primary members that include the Endowment Fund Committee Chairperson, District Administrator, District Secretary-Treasurer, and an District International Director. The Western District Board has adopted the following policies regarding the Student Endowment Fund as listed below:
- Western District Investment Policy (Adopted 2010)
- Student Endowment Fund Sustainability Policy (Adopted 2014)
6. Executive Committee Members
The role of the Executive Committee is defined in the “Western District Executive Committee Oversight” policy. The Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, Past President and the International Directors. The District Administrator will typically participate in meetings of the Executive Committee, though not as a voting member
7. Executive Committee Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities of each of the members of the Western District Executive Committee are included on the Officer Duties page.
8. Financial Reserves
The Western District should target financial reserves of at least 1.5 times the annual operating budget.
9. Insurance
The District shall maintain two (2) insurance policies: 1) officer’s liability, and 2) general liability insurance. The District Administrator is tasked with the maintenance and review of these insurance policies on an annual basis.
10. Individual and Lifetime Achievement Award Selection
The Individual Achievement Award Selection Process Guidelines and Lifetime Achievement Award Selection Process Guidelines provides guidance on the selection of these award winners. The District will award no more than one Lifetime Achievement Award per year.
11. Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) Manual
The Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) Manual provides guidance on the planning of a Western District Annual Meeting. These policies are detailed in the “District Annual Meeting Policies.” (Revised 2018)
12. Student Chapter Faculty Advisor Vouchers
The Western District shall subsidize the International membership dues for Student Chapter Faculty Advisors who are ITE Members by issuing a $150 Western District voucher upon submission of an Annual Student Chapter Report.
13. Travel Reimbursement
Reimbursement for travel on behalf of the District shall be governed by the policies outlined in the “ITE Western District Travel Reimbursement Policy.”
14. Western District Board
In addition to the Executive Committee, the Board of the Western District shall include representatives of each Section in the District. The duties of a Section Representative are provided in the “Western District Section Representative to District Board Orientation.”
15. Western District Dues
Western District membership dues are set by the Western District Board for two membership categories 1) Fellows and Members and 2) Retired. The exceptions to these categories are as follows:
- Dues for honorary members shall be reduced to $0.
- Dues for student members shall be reduced to $0.
- Dues for life members shall be reduced to $0.
Of the dues collected on an annual basis, $2 per member shall be transferred to the Student Endowment Fund.