The Student Traffic Bowl was founded in 2009 and is an annual competition at the District Annual Meeting between ITE student chapter teams using transportation planning and engineering topics for the clues, questions, and answers in a Jeopardy format. All teams are required to attend the Pre-Qualification round on Monday of the Annual Meeting.

The winning team will receive the Western District Student Traffic Bowl traveling trophy, a certificate, and $1,000 in travel funds from the District to attend the International ITE Annual Meeting to compete in the Collegiate Traffic Bowl Grand Championship.

Please see below for information on the 2025 Student Traffic Bowl:

  • When: TBD (to be held during SLS)
  • Where: UCLA
  • Deadline: Registration opens in November! Please register using the following link: Traffic Bowl Registration

Below is a list of past traffic bowl winners. Winners prior to 2020 reflect the Western District boundary prior to the creation of the Rocky Mountain District.

Meeting Location
2023 Oakland, CA (Virtual) Oregon State University
2022 Palm Springs, CA Oregon State University
2021 Portland, OR (Virtual) Oregon State University*
2020 Honolulu, HI (Virtual) Oregon State University
2019 Monterey, CA Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
2018 Keystone, CO California State University, Fullerton
2017 San Diego, CA Cal Poly San Luis Obispo*
2016 Albuquerque, NM Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
2015 Las Vegas, NV Cal Poly San Luis Obispo*
2014 Rapid City, SD Brigham Young University
2013 Phoenix, AZ Brigham Young University
2012 Santa Barbara, CA Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
2011 Anchorage, AK Brigham Young University
2010 San Francisco, CA Portland State University

* Also International ITE Traffic Bowl Winner