Published On: September 28th, 2021

Dear Western District Members,

To recap the past month, the District executive board gathered in Southern California on September 10th to review/close out the current fiscal year, roll our sleeves up, and continue planning for 2022. I am proud to report that our income exceeded expectations, allowing the District to fund some new initiatives that will provide direct benefits to our membership. It was also a pleasure to have our executive board together for the first time since January 2020!

Looking ahead, the ITE Joint Sections Webinar series begins on October 13th through November 10th. Be sure to catch the latest changes in key industry areas like guidance for setting speed limits, ITE speed hump recommendations, and updates to standards for CMS/DMS/VMS and automated vehicles. The series will be hosted by the ITE San Diego Section as virtual meetings using Zoom and made available by the Western District to all ITE members. See more details and register here!

Other upcoming events include:

  • Abstracts for the 2022 Annual Meeting are due by December 20th! View the paper deadlines and submit an abstract here.
  • The 2022 Student Leadership Summit will be held on January 28-30th. This virtual event will be hosted by San Jose State University and offers so many great programs for our District’s student members. We are always grateful for professional volunteers. Early registration ends on October 10th!

Finally, I would like to thank our outgoing WesternITE Managing Editor, Erica Jensen (Alaska Section), for always infusing her work with energy and dutifully performing her service – you’ll be missed! On that note, I am happy to welcome Ellen Simpson (Oregon Section) as our interim WesternITE Managing Editor – we are glad to have you on board!

Giancarlo Ganddini
President, ITE Western District

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