The 2018 Keystone Technical Program is shaping up to be one of the best ever. Over 200 abstracts were submitted with a strong representation from both the Western and Texas Districts. In addition to over 100 technical presentations we will have poster session on Monday during the morning and afternoon breaks. Session topics include roundabouts, safety, complete streets, signal operations, performance measures, big data, emerging technologies and much more. The draft Technical Program will be posted to our website next week.
In addition, four select sessions have been reserved for special panel discussions. Experts in their respective fields will convene to hold spirited discussions on these important industry topics and issues:
- ITE Leadership Town Hall: This will be an opportunity for members to
hear from and share their views with ITE International Leadership. ITE’s President Michael Sanderson and other Executive Committee members will share details about specific initiatives and look for feedback from members on these initiatives as well as other issues. Included in this session may be a Coordinating Council representative who highlights key Council activities and solicits feedback on transportation equity or other emerging initiatives.
- Roundabout Panel: We are honored to have the following diverse group of nationally recognized roundabout experts joining us in Keystone to discuss the latest on roundabout planning, design and operations:
- Jerry Champa recently retired from CalTrans after a 30 year career of implementing innovation. He retired as the Statewide Traffic Safety Liaison and the California Roundabout Champion.
- Brian Walsh is the Washington State DOT State Traffic Design Engineer and has been championing roundabouts in Washington and Nationally for nearly 20 years. He is also the Co-Chair of the TRB Roundabout Committee.
- Tom Kassmel is the Town Engineer for Vail, CO. Tom has championed two new compact roundabout designs (in a snowy climate and tourist driven area) and successfully oversees the safe and efficient performance of two of the oldest modern roundabouts in the United States.
- Scott Ritchie has been instrumental in the implementation of modern roundabouts in the United States for the past 20 years. Scott continues to work with clients to champion roundabouts in locations where
roundabouts have not been commonly planned or constructed.
- Alonzo Linan is the Public Works Director for the City of Keller, TX. Alonzo has championed roundabout in KS and TX. He spearheaded efforts in Olathe, KS to address public opinion and acceptance of roundabouts and now has taken on the challenge of implementing roundabouts in the heart of TX.
- MUTCD Panel: We are excited to have the following group of members of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD) joining us in Keystone to present on their work and the latest news regarding the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD):
- Gene Hawkins is a Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at Texas A&M University and has a joint appointment as a Research Engineering with the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. He has been conducting traffic control device research for 30 years. He is a Fellow of ITE and the Executive Chairman of NCUTCD.
- John Hansen is the president of 2 ITS-Help and lives in Peyton, Colorado. He is the VP of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of ITS, Member of the National Committee and Associate ITE delegate and is the local ITE Technical Committee chairman. He is also on national Task Forces for Automated Vehicles/Connected Vehicles, Electronic Signs and Pedestrians.
- Randy McCourt is the International ITE Vice President elect for 2019. Randy serves as chair of several NCUTCD task forces addressing setting of speed limits, transit/BRT applications on surface streets and electronic display traffic control devices (such as DMS). He recently advanced the recommendations to FHWA for changes to the MUTCD related to site roadways open to public travel and electric vehicle parking signs.
- Jonathan Upchurch is a past International President of ITE and has been actively involved in the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, attending all 78 semi-annual meetings held since the formation of the National Committee in 1980. In 2012 he was the recipient of the ITE Western District’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
- Charles Meyer is the State Traffic and Safety Engineer in Colorado. During his 18 years at CDOT he has worked in a variety of capacities including field level traffic engineering, traffic project management, ITS Resident Engineer, and now for the last 7 years as State Traffic Engineer. In 2007, he was selected for an AASHTO Engineering Management Fellow. Prior to surface transportation, he served for 6 years in the US Coast Guard on all of our nation’s coasts and Great Lakes.
- State DOT Forum: We are currently organizing a panel of experts from
several State Departments of Transportations. A variety of topics will be discussed with a tie in to the State DOT work. More information on this panel discussion will be provided as details are finalized.
Stay tuned for additional monthly updates on this exciting meeting and, if you haven’t already, make sure to register today to join us in the breathtaking Colorado mountains!