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Important Information for the 2016 Annual Meeting in Albuquerque

On behalf of the New Mexico Section Local Arrangements Committee (LAC), we are excited to invite you to attend the 2016 Western District Meeting in Albuquerque, July 10-13.  We’re hard at work preparing for your arrival as we plan a full schedule of conference activities including a robust technical program, [...]

February 20th, 2016|

Bicycle Sharing in the U.S. State-of-the-Art

By Robert Kahn, P.E., RK Engineering Group, Inc. In the fall of 2007, I visited Paris, France, where I was introduced to the Vélib’ Bicycle Sharing System. At that time, Vélib’ included approximately 10,000 bicycles with 750 docking stations, which has since expanded to include over 20,000 bicycles with 1,451 [...]

May 24th, 2012|

Oregon Section Activities: December 2011

Oregon Section The joint WTS/ITE April luncheon was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at the Governor Hotel in downtown Portland, Oregon. The combined meeting featured guest speaker Raymond Mabey, ODOT’s OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program Manager. Mr. Mabey shared an overview of the agency’s first experience using the [...]

January 24th, 2012|

Marshall Memorial Fellowship- Transportation Observations

Marshall Memorial Fellowship – Transportation Observations and Insights By Sam Morrissey, P.E., Principal Transportation Engineer, City of Santa Monica From February 23rd until March 25th I travelled to Europe as a part of the 2011 Marshall Memorial Fellowship program. This Fellowship was created by the German Marshall Fund of the [...]

May 25th, 2011|

San Francisco Bay ITE Section Report

Afsaneh Yavari SFBayITE Co-Scribe and Technical Programs Co-Chair   The following are a brief discussion of the previous monthly section meetings/activities, and future events: September 2010 Monthly Meeting: On September 16, 2010, the San Francisco Bay Area ITE Section (SF Bay ITE) held its monthly meeting at Osha Thai Restaurant [...]

January 15th, 2011|

Our “Go-To” Profession on Health

David M. Schwegel, PE, PTOE, ITE So Cal Walking within the Boise River Greenbelt reminded me of Past International President Steven Hoefner’s 2003 article “Transportation and Health” – two seemingly unrelated topics. Hoefner notes – ‘traffic engineers plan, design, and evaluate walk-able communities that encourage walking, fight obesity, and reduce [...]

November 19th, 2010|

Board Report November/December

On October 8 and 9 International Directors Zaki Mustafa, Ken Ackeret and Dalene J. Whitlock attended the International Board of Direction meeting held at the new Headquarters in Washington, D.C.  Executive Director Tom Brahms reported on the status of the 80th Anniversary Fund, noting that some improvements to the facilities [...]

November 19th, 2010|

The Life and Times of Wolf Homburger

Wolf was born in Karlsruhe, Germany on December 18, 1926. In 1939, at age 12, he was sent to England as part of the last Kindertransport, a rescue mission that sent thousands of Jewish children to the United Kingdom where they were placed in foster homes to keep them safe [...]

October 6th, 2010|
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